this project is now inactive


This project is deprecated and superseded by the tad project.

The main differences are as follows:

So what went wrong with GTA? It ignored two important principles: KISS ("Keep it simple, stupid") and YAGNI ("You aren't gonna need it"). This resulted in unnecessary complexity, most of it just to support features that in the end turned out to be irrelevant. The combined count of C/C++ code lines (excluding comments) of libgta and gtatool is four times higher than the combined count of libtad and tad, while the latter are far more powerful and efficient.

I used libgta/gtatool extensively over the past years and learned a lot while writing them, and the good parts of them ended up in libtad/tad in simplified form, so I don't consider this project to be a waste of time. But in order to keep it that way, it's now time to move on.