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[msmtp-users] Crude scheduling proposal for msmtp-runqueue.sh


I use msmtp-runqueue.sh under Arch Linux on my laptop, and it's
generally working fine. However I just ran into a situation where, due
to a day of sporadic connectivity, I noticed that one email with a large
attachment had managed to block a whole day's worth of smaller emails.

My very quick proposal is to process mails in the ~/.msmtpqueue in
reverse size order. That will allow larger emails to sit and block when
necessary, but give a boost to smaller emails that might have built up
in the queue. It's not perfect, but I can't see any major negatives to
taking this approach, except in a few pathological cases.

I'm not sure how much msmtp-runqueue.sh is part of the official
distribution, so sorry if this is to the wrong place. A quick diff:

--- msmtp-runqueue.sh.orig	2014-07-17 11:01:19.676053700 +0100
+++ msmtp-runqueue.sh	2014-07-17 11:01:06.788149400 +0100
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 touch "$LOCKFILE" || exit 1
 # process all mails
-for MAILFILE in *.mail; do
+for MAILFILE in $(ls -Sr *.mail); do
 	MSMTPFILE="`echo $MAILFILE | sed -e 's/mail/msmtp/'`"
 	echo "*** Sending $MAILFILE to `sed -e 's/^.*-- \(.*$\)/\1/' $MSMTPFILE` ..."
 	if [ ! -f "$MSMTPFILE" ]; then

Joss Wright | @JossWright

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