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[msmtp-users] msmtp 1.4.29 bugs

There are a couple of buglike things in this version.

- Debug output with -d prints carriage returns at the
end of every line before the newline. Unless msmtp is
trying to emulate Microsoft MS-DOS, please remove them :)

- On FreeBSD 8.3 i386, ./configure --with-ssl=openssl says:
TLS/SSL support ........ : no (Library: none)

If specifying libssl_{CFLAGS=-I... , LDFLAGS=-L...} as hinted in
./configure, the link stage for msmtp can't find lcrypto and lssl:
[piles of undefined references]

I ended up running 'make -d A' and came up with something like:
gcc -g -O2 -o msmtp_dyn conf.o list.o msmtp.o net.o netrc.o readbuf.o
smtp.o stream.o tools.o xalloc.o aliases.o tls.o base64.o md5.o
md5-apps.o -L/.../openssl101c/lib -lssl -lcrypto -L/usr/local/lib
-lidn -liconv -lintl
Though if I added more stuff to the xxFLAGS above it might work,
didn't try that.

Static compilation with the usual CPPFLAGS=-static LDFLAGS=-static
./configure environment method doesn't work.

autoreconf -fiv works fine.
msmtp works fine once compiled.

Possible ideas here: