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Re: [msmtp-users] Fwd: SMTP Authorization

Hi Claude!

This does not seem to be related to msmtp.

On 19/09/10 16:13, Claude Sutton wrote:
> msmtp: server message: 554 Service unavailable; Client host
> [] blocked using
> zen.spamhaus.org <http://zen.spamhaus.org>;
> http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=

Somehow your IP address was added to a blocklist that the SMTP server
uses. You can find out more at the supplied URL:

If your IP address is dynamic, then either the problem is solved by
getting a new IP address, or the IP address is blocked precisely because
it is dynamic. In the latter case, you probably have to ask your SMTP
server admins not to block dynamic addresses.
