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Re: [msmtp-users] connection to isp times out on port25 (isp says port is not blocked)

On Sun, 04. Feb 2007, 11:35:27 +1100, Alasdair wrote:
> I am having trouble connecting to my isp's smtp server to send mail. I get
> the following error
> msmtp: cannot connect to smtp.iprimus.com.au, port 25: Connection timed out

Can you connect with telnet?
$ telnet smtp.iprimus.com.au 25

> I notice that the "domain" in the output of 
> -pretend is "localhost" which is the hostname for my computer, if this is 
> sent to the smtp server could it be the cause for the timeout?


The "domain" setting is used as a parameter for the EHLO command, which
is the first command sent to the SMTP server.

Since msmtp cannot connect to the server, it cannot send the initial
"EHLO localhost".

Historically, the EHLO parameter should match the IP address of the host
you're connecting from, but nowadays it does not serve a purpose
anymore.  The SMTP server is not allowed to reject delivery because of
an EHLO argument that does not match the senders IP address (RFC 1123,
section 5.2.5). The default "localhost" seems to almost always work.
