I download and update the newest msmtp(v1.6.2), and update the .msmtprc
configure file
(Add proxy and logfile):
tls on
tls_certcheck off
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
proxy_host xxxxxxxx.com <http://web-proxy.corp.hp.com>
proxy_port 8080
from xxxxxx@...20...
user xxxxxx
password xxxxxxxx
auth on
logfile -
timeout 45
Then I retry msmtp command, and the final error is like this:
msmtp: network read error: the operation timed out
msmtp: could not send mail (account default from /root/.msmtprc)
Aug 20 04:45:56 host=smtp.gmail.com tls=on auth=on user=xxxxxx from=
xxxxxx@...20... recipients=xxxxxx@...415... errormsg='network read error:
the operation timed out' exitcode=EX_IOERR
From the capture packet, it seems the after establishing TCP connection,
the msmtp
will not send the content.
The attachment is the capture packet.