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Re: [msmtp-users] How can "msmtp" send emails via host proxy?


On 20.08.15 16:57, Nan Xiao wrote:
Firstly, thanks very much for your answer!

seem's I'm very late with this one...

I download and update the newest msmtp(v1.6.2), and update the .msmtprc
configure file
(Add proxy and logfile):

tls on
tls_certcheck off
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
proxy_host xxxxxxxx.com <http://web-proxy.corp.hp.com>
proxy_port 8080
from xxxxxx@...20...
user xxxxxx
password xxxxxxxx
auth on
logfile -
timeout 45

Then I retry msmtp command, and the final error is like this:

msmtp: network read error: the operation timed out
msmtp: could not send mail (account default from /root/.msmtprc)
Aug 20 04:45:56 host=smtp.gmail.com tls=on auth=on user=xxxxxx from=
xxxxxx@...20... recipients=xxxxxx@...415... errormsg='network read error:
the operation timed out' exitcode=EX_IOERR

From the capture packet, it seems the after establishing TCP connection,
the msmtp
will not send the content.

The attachment is the capture packet.

it seems that the proxy is not a SOCKS proxy, but a HTTP proxy.
afaik msmtp only supports socks proxy for now. for HTTP proxy you must use
something like proxychains wrapper.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@...186... ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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