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Re: [msmtp-users] Does msmtp always overrides Return-Path header?

On 26.03.15 19:21, Nikolay Shaplov wrote:
sympa uses sendmail -f to set proper return-path.

but msmtp's sendmail ignores -f option if there is auto_from on in config file.

So in order to make it work in a proper way I should turn off auto_from and set
from, so cron bots can send me messages.

When auto_from is off and "from" is defined, "sendmail -f" works properly.

I do not think that ignoring -f option in any case is wise decision. It took
me several hours to understand why I do not get bounce mail. But it is good
that it is possible to make it work as I want...

the auto_from is documented to ignore -f and -f is documented to be
ignored when auto_from is on, what more do you want? :-)

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@...186... ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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