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Re: [msmtp-users] Proxy support patch

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:23 PM, CustaiCo <custaico@...373...> wrote:
I've written an patch that allows msmtp to use a socks

On 03.10.14 16:03, grarpamp wrote:
Is it necessary to invoke new dependencies on third party libraries?

It's better than reinvent the wheel, risk new (security) bugs etc.

Especially one that hasn't been maintained since 2005?

This one _is_ an issue.

What about simply including socks5 in msmtp directly?

... see above

You could borrow a socks5 + IPv6 implementation from...

libsocksd0 from dante package
libproxychains3 from proxychains package

and maybe:

libproxy0 from libproxy library for proxy autodetection

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