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Re: [msmtp-users] msmtp packaging


On Thu, 01. Jan 2009, 19:41:13 +0200, Nikolay Vladimirov wrote:
> 1) distribute ftdetect file for msmtp. For example:
> /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/msmtp.vim in
> scripts/vim/ftpdetect/msmtp.vim
> augroup filetype
>   au! BufRead,BufNewFile *msmtprc setfiletype msmtp
> augroup end
> I'm not sure this is 100% accurate. 

I'm not sure either. Can someone with more vim knowledge help here?

> 2) distribute some script or doc on how-to configure 
> msmtp with gnome keyring. This for example:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/msmtp-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00045.html
> Or anything there's not much info about using this. 

Yes, that would be useful, but I cannot help with this because I'm not a
Gnome user. Can someone with Gnome keyring knowledge help here?
