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[msmtp-users] queueing facility for msmtp written in Standard ML

I'm not sure if this will be of use to people, but I've included below
the queueing facility for msmtp that I wrote in (the functional
programming language) Standard ML.  I call the program msmtp-queue.
It has a -daemon option for starting a daemon, a -queue option for
queueing a message and waking up the daemon, a -wakeup otion for
waking up the daemon, and a -quit option for terminating the daemon.
I'm now using this happily on Mac OS X, as a complement to fetchmail.

Alley Stoughton

PS I don't read the mailing list regularly, but I can be contacted
directly at stough@...35...



# start msmtp-queue

# edit the following line to set heapdir to the directory where
# msmtp-queue's heap image will reside


# set sml to SML/NJ executable


exec $sml @SMLload=$heapdir/msmtp-queue @SMLcmdname=$0 "$@"


(* msmtp-queue.cm *)






(* msmtp-queue.sig *)

signature MAIN =

  val main : string * string list -> OS.Process.status



(* msmtp-queue.sml *)

structure Main :> MAIN =

val msmtpProg = "/usr/local/bin/msmtp"

val msmtpArgs = ["-t"]

val pidFile = ".msmtp-queue.pid"

val queueDir = ".msmtp-queue"

fun error(prog, s) =
      (print(prog ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n");
       OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure)

fun sleep n = OS.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds(IntInf.fromInt n))

exception BadInt

fun stringToInt x =
      case Int.scan StringCvt.DEC Substring.getc (Substring.full x) of
           NONE       => raise BadInt
         | SOME(n, y) =>
             if Substring.isEmpty(StringCvt.skipWS Substring.getc y)
             then n
             else raise BadInt

fun getPID() = Word32.toInt(Posix.Process.pidToWord(Posix.ProcEnv.getpid()))

fun getHomeDir() =

fun makeFileName() =
      Date.fmt "%Y:%m:%d-%H:%M:%S" (Date.fromTimeLocal(Time.now())) ^
      "-" ^  Int.toString(getPID())

exception NODaemon

fun readDaemonPID() =
      let val stm = TextIO.openIn(getHomeDir() ^ "/" ^ pidFile)
          val pid = stringToInt(valOf(TextIO.inputLine stm))
          val _   = TextIO.closeIn stm
      in Posix.Process.wordToPid(Word32.fromInt pid) end
        handle _ => raise NODaemon

fun alreadyDaemon() = (readDaemonPID(); true) handle NoDaemon => false

fun writeDaemonPID() =
      let val pid     = getPID()
          val homeDir = getHomeDir()
          val stm     = TextIO.openOut(homeDir ^ "/" ^ pidFile)
          val _       = TextIO.output(stm, Int.toString pid ^ "\n")
          val _       = TextIO.closeOut stm
      in () end

fun sort _ nil       = nil
  | sort f (x :: xs) =
      let fun insert x nil               = [x]
            | insert x (y_ys as y :: ys) =
                (case f(x, y) of
                      LESS    => x :: y_ys
                    | EQUAL   => y_ys
                    | GREATER => y :: insert x ys)
      in insert x (sort f xs) end

fun getNextMessageFileName dirStm =
      let fun readDir() =
                case Posix.FileSys.readdir dirStm of
                     NONE   => nil
                   | SOME s => s :: readDir()

          val _ = Posix.FileSys.rewinddir dirStm
      in SOME(hd(sort String.compare (readDir())))
           handle _ => NONE

fun sendMessage inStm =
      let val proc   = Unix.execute(msmtpProg, msmtpArgs)
          val outStm = Unix.textOutstreamOf proc

          fun loop() =
                case TextIO.inputLine inStm of
                     NONE   => ()
                   | SOME s => (TextIO.output(outStm, s); loop())

          val _ = loop()
      in Unix.reap proc end
        handle _ => OS.Process.failure

fun quit prog =
      let val pid     = readDaemonPID()
          val sigTERM = Posix.Signal.term
      in (Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC pid, sigTERM);
          OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success)
        handle _ => error(prog, "no daemon running")

fun wakeup prog =
      let val pid     = readDaemonPID()
          val sigUSR1 = Posix.Signal.usr1
      in (Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC pid, sigUSR1);
          OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success)
        handle _ => error(prog, "no daemon running")

fun queue prog =
      let val homeDir  = getHomeDir()
          val fileName = makeFileName()
          val stm      = TextIO.openOut("/tmp/" ^ fileName)

          fun loop() =
                case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
                     NONE   => ()
                   | SOME s => (TextIO.output(stm, s); loop())

          val _ = loop()
          val _ = TextIO.closeOut stm
      in Posix.FileSys.rename{old = "/tmp/" ^ fileName,
                              new = homeDir ^ "/" ^ queueDir ^ "/" ^ fileName}
           handle _ => error(prog, "queue directory does not exist");
         wakeup prog

fun daemonBody sleepSecs =
      let val sigINT  = valOf(Signals.fromString "INT")
          val sigHUP  = valOf(Signals.fromString "HUP")
          val sigQUIT = valOf(Signals.fromString "QUIT")
          val sigTERM = valOf(Signals.fromString "TERM")
          val sigUSR1 = valOf(Signals.fromString "USR1")
          val allSigs = [sigINT, sigHUP, sigQUIT, sigTERM, sigUSR1]
          val _       = Signals.maskSignals(Signals.MASK allSigs)
          val _       = writeDaemonPID()
          val quitRef = ref false

          fun handler(signal, _, cont) =
                if signal = sigUSR1 (* we're being woken up *)
                then cont
                else (quitRef := true; cont)

          val _ = Signals.setHandler(sigINT, Signals.HANDLER handler)
          val _ = Signals.setHandler(sigHUP, Signals.HANDLER handler)
          val _ = Signals.setHandler(sigQUIT, Signals.HANDLER handler)
          val _ = Signals.setHandler(sigTERM, Signals.HANDLER handler)
          val _ = Signals.setHandler(sigUSR1, Signals.HANDLER handler)
          val _ = Signals.unmaskSignals(Signals.MASK allSigs)

          val dirStm = Posix.FileSys.opendir "."

          fun loop() =
                if !quitRef
                then (Posix.FileSys.unlink(getHomeDir() ^ "/" ^ pidFile);
                      OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success)
                else case getNextMessageFileName dirStm of
                          NONE          => (sleep sleepSecs; loop())
                        | SOME fileName =>
                            let val stm = TextIO.openIn fileName
                            in if sendMessage stm = OS.Process.success
                               then (Posix.FileSys.unlink fileName;
                               else (sleep sleepSecs; loop())
      in loop() end

fun daemon(prog, sleepSecs) =
      if alreadyDaemon()
      then error(prog, "daemon already running")
      else (Posix.FileSys.chdir(getHomeDir() ^ "/" ^ queueDir)
              handle _ => error(prog, "queue directory doesn't exist");
            case Posix.Process.fork() of
                 NONE   => daemonBody sleepSecs
               | SOME _ => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success)

fun usage prog =
      (print("usage:\n" ^
             "  " ^ prog ^ " -quit\n"        ^
             "  " ^ prog ^ " -wakeup\n"      ^
             "  " ^ prog ^ " -queue\n"       ^
             "  " ^ prog ^ " -daemon SLEEP\n");
       OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure)

fun main(prog, args) =
      case args of
           ["-quit"]              => quit prog
         | ["-wakeup"]            => wakeup prog
         | ["-queue"]             => queue prog
         | ["-daemon", sleepSecs] =>
             let val sleepSecs =
                       stringToInt sleepSecs
                         handle BadInt => usage prog
             in if sleepSecs < 1
                then usage prog
                else daemon(prog, sleepSecs)
         | _                      => usage prog
