Rendering Ground Truth
Like any path tracer, WurblPT can render images that take into account the full light transport in the scene. Unlike other path tracers, WurblPT can also record precise information about the scene as it is visible in those images. This information can be used as Ground Truth for training and testing image- or video-based algorithms.
WurbltPT can record the following information per pixel about objects in the scene:
- World space and camera space positions
- World space and camera space surface normals (from the object geometry)
- World space and camera space surface tangents (from the object geometry)
- World space and camera space surface normals (taking the object material into account)
- World space and camera space surface tangents (taking the object material into account)
- Camera space depth values (i.e. z coordinates)
- Distance values from object to camera center
- Object textures coordinates
- Object material index
- World space offset between the object position in this frame and the corresponding position in the previous/next frames
- Camera space offset between the object position in this frame and the corresponding position in the previous/next frames
- Optical Flow: image space offset (in pixels) between the object position in this frame and the previous/next frames
See wurblpt-tof-example for an example on how to produce a lot of Ground Truth information in addition to the rendered images.