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Re: [msmtp-users] [PATCH] msmtp: handle SIGPIPE locally


On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 10:21:54 +0100, Roger Pau Monne wrote:
> > Can you tell me how to trigger this problem? Under which
> > circumstances does msmtp get SIGPIPE on MacOS? (I'd like to know if
> > this is system-specific before applying the patch).  
> Hello,
> I can easily trigger this on OS X when performing the disconnection
> from the remote server AFAICT (I'm no expert on mailing), but it
> happens when the mail as already been queued. If I enable debug, this
> is what I see:
> --> QUIT  
> <-- 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
> My guess is that the server closes the socket before msmtp, and then
> msmtp tries to write something into the socket? (in tls_close)

I could not reproduce this on my system, but after reading the
relevant documentation I am convinced that it is indeed correct to
ignore SIGPIPE since we handle all i/o errors where they occur.
Using the signal() function seems the simplest and most portable way to
do that.

I applied your patch. Thank you very much for debugging and fixing this
