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Re: [msmtp-users] Does msmtp always overrides Return-Path header?

Hi Nikolay!

On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 13:55:56 +0300, Nikolay Shaplov wrote:
> I am trying to send message with custom Return-Path via msmtp.
> # sendmail dhyan@...396...
> Return-Path: dhyan@...396...
> Subject: test
> test
> .
> But the message I receive have Return-Path constructed by msmtp:
> Return-Path: <root@...397...>
> Are there any way to prevent msmtp from doing this	? I've read
> documentation but did not find any mention of it...
> I am using msmtp 1.4.28 from debian wheezy.

Msmtp does not change headers. Most likely your SMTP server does that.
You can verify with --debug that msmtp sends the message unchanged.


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