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Re: [msmtp-users] msmtp fails if multiple recipients are specified in crontab MAILTO
On Sun, 23 Jun 2013 14:29:04 -0400, Paul Donohue wrote:
> `man 5 crontab` says:
> MAILTO may also be used to direct mail to multiple recipients by
> separating recipient users with a comma.
> However, if multiple recipients are listed in MAILTO when msmtp is
> being used, cron spits the following error to the log and no mail is
> sent: CRON[5517]: (root) MAIL (mailed 1 byte of output; but got
> status 0x0041, #012)
> It looks like cron effectively just runs `sendmail "$MAILTO"`, which
> produces the following error: $ sendmail
> "user1@...45...,user2@...45..." sendmail: recipient address
> user1@...45...,user2@...45... not accepted by the server
> sendmail: server message: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address sendmail: could
> not send mail (account default from /etc/msmtprc)
> Any chance of getting this fixed?
I'm a little worried if we can separate mail addresses by comma easily.
My understanding is that commata are allowed in mail addresses, but only
inside quotation marks, and this usage is discouraged. Is that correct?
We could simply separate addresses at the comma, but in theory, this
may break things for users with mail addresses that contain commata.
Can we just ignore this? After all, the use case of separating mail
addresses by comma seems to be very uncommon itself (you're the first
one to ask about this in all the years). They should really be given as
separate arguments.