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Re: [msmtp-users] cron mails always as attachement

Am 08.05.2013 15:47, schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
On 08.05.13 14:49, Andre Bischof wrote:
which works fine except one thing - mails send to me when a backup is
done (via backupninja) come always as attachement. The original mail has
no text, only an attachement without a name. When I open/save it, the
dialog says:
I think you can blame backupninja or mailx, not msmtp. msmtp only takes the
generated message and passes it to SMTP server.
Hm, I'll devinitly have at look at these.

Strange enough, other mails send by cron from the same server are as expected, so it should not be about mailx. On the other hand, I have backupninja with the same config on other servers, and don't encounter the "attachement problem" there. Maybe it's one of these difficult interaction thinggies - I'll check configs and hopefully will be able to solve this.

Thanks for helping so far!
