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Re: [msmtp-users] msmtp hangs when talking to smtp.aol.com

On 27.01.12 19:36, Johann Myrkraverk Oskarsson wrote:
msmtp hangs when I try to talk to smtp.aol.com.  I'm using

 msmtp --serverinfo --host=smtp.aol.com --port=465 --tls --tls-certcheck=off

and it just hangs, there is no error messsages and nothing happens.

I have no trouble connecting with openssl s_client -connect smtp.aol.com:465 and typing in SMTP commands.

Am I using msmtp wrong or is this a bug?

You must use --tls-starttls=off

... tls without this option waits for server send esmtp greeting and negotiate TLS first. That is default on port 587 - servers on port 465 expect that client starts negotiating SSL first and after they send welcome string.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@...186... ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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