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[msmtp-users] Mac KeyChain
Hi all,
Below an excerpt of the msmtp(1) manpage.
I'm interested in integrating msmtp with my OSX keychain, therefore I've
stared at the manpage for a while. I really can't make anything of this
and tried several configs without any success.
Can anyone post an example piece .msmtprc in relation to the OSX
| Using the Mac OS X Keychain
| A Mac OS X user can store a password in a keychain item using the
| Keychain Access GUI application. The account name is simply the value of
| the msmtp user argument. However, the keychain item name is
| smtp://<hostname> where <hostname> matches the msmtp host argument.
| Using smtp:// is needed so that the item is created of kind
| internet password.
| For example, selecting File->Get Info on a keychain item that
| corresponds to host:
| smtp.freemail.example and user joe.smith will show:
| Name: smtp.freemail.example
| Kind: Internet password
| Account: joe.smith
| Where: smtp://smtp.freemail.example
Martijn Pepping
"Tell the truth and run."
-- Yugoslav proverb