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[msmtp-users] Compilation error on OS X


I'm trying to build msmtp with SSL support on OS X, for use with a local
mutt client. The configure script seems to run OK:

otis:msmtp-1.4.7$ ./configure --prefix=/Users/mike/usr ... (full output available if needed)

Install prefix ....... : /Users/mike/usr
TLS/SSL support ...... : yes (Library: OpenSSL)
GNU SASL support ..... : no
GNU Libidn support ... : no
NLS support .......... : no

However, make fails. Here are the last few lines:

gcc  -g -O2   -o msmtp  conf.o list.o msmtp.o net.o netrc.o smtp.o
stream.o tools.o tls.o ../gnulib/libgnu.a  -lssl
ld: Undefined symbols:
make[2]: *** [msmtp] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

which I assume is a problem with libssl. I've previously been a Debian
user, where I'm used to things like this just working or, if they don't,
apt-get solving my problems. Because of this, I'm uncertain as to where
to begin. I have:

otis:msmtp-1.4.7$ ls /usr/include/openssl/
aes.h         des.h         kssl.h        pem2.h        ssl23.h
asn1.h        des_old.h     lhash.h       pkcs12.h      ssl3.h
asn1_mac.h    dh.h          md2.h         pkcs7.h       stack.h
asn1t.h       dsa.h         md4.h         rand.h        symhacks.h
bio.h         dso.h         md5.h         rc2.h         tls1.h
blowfish.h    e_os2.h       mdc2.h        rc4.h         tmdiff.h
bn.h          ebcdic.h      obj_mac.h     rc5.h         txt_db.h
buffer.h      ec.h          objects.h     ripemd.h      ui.h
cast.h        engine.h      ocsp.h        rsa.h         ui_compat.h
comp.h        err.h         opensslconf.h safestack.h   x509.h
conf.h        evp.h         opensslv.h    sha.h         x509_vfy.h
conf_api.h    hmac.h        ossl_typ.h    ssl.h         x509v3.h
crypto.h      krb5_asn.h    pem.h         ssl2.h
otis:msmtp-1.4.7$ ls /usr/lib/libssl.*
/usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,
Michael Williams
Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford